Monday, March 14, 2011


I love love LOVE the library! It's like the best free (or nearly so) thing ever. I love that I can get a near constant supply of different books for my kids to read (not to mention the movies and other stuff) without having to spend a fortune or even a penny (except for those late fees). I love that the same applies to books on cd for my hubby to listen to and hard copy books for me to read. Plus we can rent most of the new and old movies we want (even if we have to wait a little while sometimes... we don't usually get to watching them too quickly anyway) and keep them for a week or 3. I also love preschool story time - we've been going for a couple years now - book-reading, a craft and getting out of the house (especially in dreary winter months) is fantastic!
On top of all this, I love the annual book sale that the CC Mellor library has. It's coming up this weekend. Click on the link for more details. How can I pass up 5 children's books for $2? We've got a couple of my kids favorite books past years, I'm hoping to add another couple this weekend :)


  1. Ooo! I love book sales too! I'll come with you. I caught the tail end of a book sale at the Squirrel Hill library last July and was a little disappointed by how picked over it was. So I'd love to catch one at the beginning.

    Are you invited to the preview party? Can I be your special guest. Maybe we could go and check it out right at the start. Or on Saturday. Let me know. :)

  2. This book sale is awesome. I got E the complete set of Harry Potter books for $2.50. You have to get there early b/c the good stuff gets picked over pretty quick, plus Edgewood residents get to go through it the night before.
